Having raised a son and a daughter, I can agree with your assessment. The boys gravitated towards the best athletes, strongest, smartest or funniest. The hierarchy among girls appeared to be more ‘gang’ related. There was no apparent opportunity to dissent otherwise excommunication was the result. I saw boys move between groups.

Unfortunately there’s no DEI to get women into garbage collection, mining or any other form of dangerous work for the “uneducated masses”.

Of course there is room for women in the military, because we aren’t fighting any wars. Had we be in combat as seen in Ukraine with the waste of lives both Ukrainian and Russian then I doubt the draft would apply to women. On the flip side, any country that would send women off to die, will be killing the next generation. It’s a terrible conundrum.

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Thanks for sharing reality.

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As white Slavic athletic intellectual charismatic and very well traveled well read,literary Christians we have always had Hindu daoist .Buddhist and other very different sorts of real friends.We intuit great inner beauty and of course great innocent suffering from radha.....sympathetic as she obviously really is... we should all resist .vicious godless materialistic narrow..monochromatic spoiled brats fakes..nasty girls. Vacuous .. vicious stupid young

or quickly aging... evil feminazi type women.....yes..sometimes beautiful female bodies harbor such vile reprobate evil spirits...legions of demons..female scorpions filled with poison and death..like Kamala the moronic whore is...***....**many Hindu s know bizarre cult figures as do Americans familiar with

biracial satanist neo Jewish Jim Jones.or...the bisexual rapist wife beating communist martin luther king...such a horrifying vile psychotic fraud..but what was. gone is here again..from jim jones to Jeff mossad Epstein..from David Berkowitz ..ted kennedy...George Soros to Jon pollard..from gay falasha Jew Barry soetoro to globohomosexual Jew filth Klaus Schwab or horrifying Jew from hell bill gates..so hated in India too.. ..but yeah..Radha penned an evocative thoughtful gorgeous article...yet..in some way..all of life everywhere has its intense challenges..we are so glad Radha is writing and that now..she retains obviously merited real human dignity and success and is not a member of. the noxious overwhelmingly Jewish hideous ...gynocracy...we are proud of all of our brothers and sisters who somehow..by hook or by crook by intense study..made it! Scored! And NOT by exploiting manipulating or ripping off innocent others..Radha..please don't ever stop being you..listen to your heart and your conscience and when you know intuitively that you're right. Keep writing! Try not to harbor I'll will to the whores and female clowns behind you..they are certainly their own worst enemies...*try to stay on the straight and narrow road of good morals...we appreciate your struggle...so very glad you made it!**Great article!

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Sep 7·edited Sep 8Liked by Radical Radha

While trying to make sense of a conversation, I stumbled across this post. Your points are stated so well.

They explain the situation perfectly.

My wife insisted last night that I verbally confirm that Trump, due to his character, would be a worse president than KH.

I refused: " I wouldn't vote for either one of them."

Not good enough.

Talking points and references to the "attack on women's rights," 10 year old virus who are pregnant and prevented from having abortions, some vague, purported threat to lesbians and the rest of the alphabet bunch.

I'm basically labeled an evil person now.

The insanity I've seen online has now invaded my [formally] happy home.

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I’m sorry to hear this; it’s deeply unfortunate that people are letting their marriages be thus affected by the discourse. Is there any hope for a calm discussion and resolution?

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Good news: she sat down next to me the following afternoon and said, "I'm sorry for being such a ____ last night."

There had been some other, upsetting issues on her mind, unrelated to me.

That said, it's a bit chilling watching someone you know melt down like that.

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I have been in her shoes. The problem I see, a total stranger with 1% knowledge of the situation, is that she may not have learned how to deal with her strong emotions without taking them out on other people. It took fixing the underlying problem to stop lashing out at my partner, in particular. Another woman friend told me recently that she's been struggling with having to care for an infant alone and not having a job, and she's been taking it out on her spouse. So, it not only takes reminding the person that they're unfairly taking out their emotions on you but also helping them change. Two cents you didn't ask for.

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The ‘sorry I was having a bad day’ can only work in certain circumstances. It really depends on what was said.

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I met many women in Mexico last year, recently divorced/split. COVID destroyed their marriages. They refused the vax. Their husbands didn’t. They fought and it ended the marriage.

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There are detox protocols out there - perhaps that would be helpful to these women or someone in their position?

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Also insane

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I know more than one guy who really didn’t want to be vaxed. The wives said ‘do it or we are done’. They capitulated. And have suffered adverse effects.

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I regret being vaccinated multiple times for sure

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Some of them made the point they didn’t want ‘poison juice’ squirted into them three or four times a week.

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Sep 7Liked by Radical Radha

Fun article! I also "came of age" directly before, during, and in the wake of the global financial crisis, and watched my friends and parents suffer through it. I saw Barack Obama as a savior who would end our violent wars overseas, stop corruption at the public and private level, and restore justice and fairness at home and abroad in our role as the world's only superpower. Like you, I was both naive and overly ambitious in my expectations. I also expected too much out of one person, one party, and the role of government in general.

Based on the content of your article, I sense that some things in life are still bothering you a bit — nagging suspicions and unanswered or unasked questions. Hopefully you find the answers you're seeking, and hopefully they are satisfying and nourishing to your being.

Much in life can be summed up as the "golden rule" — just trying to be a good, honest, responsible person. We can't control how other people behave or react to us. When you realize this truth, much of our needless anxiety can be allowed to evaporate away, like specks of water on sun-baked concrete.


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I had been in business for Too long to not know a flim Flam man when I see one. He never fooled me for a second.

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Much wisdom in your comment. I was certainly naive about Obama. I think what nags me is that I find very little questioning of these concepts in real life. It’s like I’m listening to tropes in most conversations I have with women, be they friends, acquaintances, colleagues…

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Sep 7Liked by Radical Radha

The absolute and shocking cruelty of abortion/infanticide is the religion of the Left, especially its females.

They’re malevolent, violent Mean Girls with no mercy or tenderness to the weakest and voiceless little girls (and boys) they deem disposable.

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Sep 7Liked by Radical Radha

They won't allow you to disagree but of course it will have to be a man who enforces that.

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Sep 7Liked by Radical Radha

Despite being of a completely different race and gender, this story feels all too familiar. I felt angry for you, because I was angry about my own experiences growing up working class in a wealthy neighborhood

I thought it was normal for people to own jet skis...

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Sep 6Liked by Radical Radha

Boy does this sound familiar. Except I was a little white girl, this story could be mine.

I would be proud to be your friend!

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Simply excellent!

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Sep 5Liked by Radical Radha

I like men more than women. I’ve been ganged up on by female cliques several times in my life. Men don’t usually do this

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I’m pretty convinced that it’s because of psychology, and this is where evo psych is important. But lefties hate it because they don’t like to hear inconvenient truths.

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As a Brit living in Australia and navigating both males and females in the rather classist system with a provincial accent, I hit my glass ceiling and got stuck there very quickly. Please don’t cheapen your experience with cheap shots at your father, though. It actually contradicts many good points.

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Your childhood story is so painful to read and yet those experiences shaped you in to the empathetic, free thinking and independent person you are today . What a story of overcoming some pretty life altering obstacles and just doing what has to be done to make it work . Driving a van before 35 and no kids ! Wow , that alone is impressive :). You ma’am were the American dream long before you knew it. You overcame extreme mean girls , superficial relationships , alienation , poverty , debilitating Illness and financial struggles suffered by your parents , and you were a true daughter through the toughest of the tough times . You overcame , without even a second thought , a lot of circumstances that would have totally devastated your “ friends “. You don’t fit in …. Because you don’t fit in . They do not share your dedication , grit , empathy , kindness , work ethic , resilience, values , ideals , or your loyalty to real people . You totally outclassed them a long , long , long time ago , ma’am . Congrats !

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I am white from Canada born from Dutch immigrant parents and I have 6 siblings.

I also had quirky looks, health problems (so food restrictions) and was in the gifted programs since age 8.

Growing up in the public catholic system we had smaller schools with less facilities and I had an extremely small grade of 7 students in our usual split classes. They were mostly boys and I learned to enjoy boys as friends, who were more sporty and less fickle. I was romantically interested in 1 or 2 but that was an impossibility for many years to come.

In 8th grade we moved to a bigger city where I really noticed the class differences, though there were some growing up earlier in the rural towns - mostly to even poorer families (especially farming families) of whom were some of my friends and of whom I defended from some of my own cousins.

This is a poignant, important piece that addresses so much of what is going on right now as an extension of what has always gone on with mean people, especially mean girls who have never developed true empathy.

In many ways I’m grateful for my upbringing because I can truly empathize with especially the underdogs and down trodden and those who are not considered. I became very independent and I love it.

Now that my kids are grown and I’m divorced my criteria to let anyone into my inner orbit of my personal space is very high… with the #1 criteria being kindness/ consideration.

Thank you for writing this.

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I’m not sure either..

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